24th December
Heroes Interview
We asked three creators from Africa about their journey to becoming active in the world. Also, let's rediscover the charm of Japan by listening to why they chose Japan as their main activity site and what is attractive about Japan for them.
リーム・アハマド Reem AHMAD
モハメド・ガリーブ Mohamed GHAREB
ヨーナン・バー Yonan BAH
戸田 隆夫 Takao TODA

リーム・アハマド Reem AHMAD
上智大学グローバル・スタディーズ研究 地域研究専攻 修士号・博士号を取得。カイロ大学日本語 日本文学科専任講師(休暇中)。駐日エジプト大使館文化部や、青山NHK文化センター、拓殖大学言語文化研究所などにてアラビア語講師の経験あり。TICAD等の国際会議における通訳に従事。
Graduated from Sophia University with a master's degree and a doctoral degree in area studies. Cairo University Japanese Language and Literature Department full-time lecturer (on vacation). He has experience as an Arabic lecturer at the Egyptian Embassy in Japan Cultural Department, Aoyama NHK Cultural Center, and Takushoku University Language and Culture Research Institute. Engaged in interpreting at international conferences such as TICAD.

モハメド・ガリーブ Mohamed GHAREB
14歳でダンスを始め、17歳でデルウィッシュ・エル・カイロの主要ダンサーのひとりとなる。 その後、マフムード・レダ一舞踊団にてソリストとして活躍する。 2015年よりユネスコCIDのメンバーとなり、スペイン、オーストラリア、カナダ、日本、メキシコ、パナマ、チリ、コロンビア、ベネズエラ、インド、バングラデシュ、中国、韓国、タイ、モロッコなど、世界中の多くの国際フェスティバルに参加し、民族舞踊を中心としたパフォーマンス披露する傍ら教鞭をとるなど、アートパフォーマンスを通した伝統文化の継承に寄与する。
He started dancing at the age of 14 and became one of the main dancers at Dervish El Cairo at the age of 17. Since then, he has performed as a soloist in the Mahmoud Reda Dance Company. Since 2015, he has been a member of UNESCO CID and has participated in many international festivals around the world, including Spain, Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Panama, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, India, Bangladesh, China, South Korea, Thailand, Morocco. Contributes to the succession of traditional culture through art performances, such as teaching while presenting performances centered on folklore dance.

ヨーナン・バー Yonan BAH
東京出身、ギニア人×日本人のMIX。7歳の時に日本からギニアに移住。8歳から伝統音楽学校でギニアの伝統音楽とジャンベを本格的に学び始め、数々の舞踊団、パーカッショングループで修行を重ねる。現在は、ギニア国立舞踊団「Ballet National Doliba バレエナショナル ジョリバ」所属ジャンベソリストとして活動中。

戸田 隆夫 Takao TODA
He has served as Deputy Director of the Reform Promotion Office, Director of the Peacebuilding Support Office, Director of the Bangladesh Office, Director of the Human Development Bureau, and Director of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). For many years, he has contributed to the development of higher education from a global perspective, and played an important role in the establishment of the Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology and the Vietnam-Japan University. In addition to serving as a visiting professor at Juntendo University and the International University of Health and Welfare, he also works as a lecturer at universities nationwide.
Pioneers Interview
「ジャンベが紡いだ出逢いと軌跡 ギニア×鹿児島県三島村」
1994年、日本に西アフリカの打楽器「ジャンベ」が日本に伝わるきっかけとなった世界的ジャンベ奏者 故ママディ・ケイタ氏が初来日。その時ジャンベの魅せられた2人の日本人がいました。
In 1994, the late Mamadi Keita, the world-famous djembe player who brought the West African percussion instrument 'djembe' to Japan, came to Japan for the first time. At that time, there were two Japanese who were fascinated by djembe.The history of Mishima Village, Kagoshima Prefecture, known as the island of djembe, and the story of two disciples of Mamadi.
徳田 健一郎 Kenichiro TOKUDA
岩原 大輔 Daisuke IWAHARA
山崎 剛司 Takeshi YAMAZAKI

徳田 健一郎 Kenichiro TOKUDA
1994年8月世界的ジャンベ奏者 故ママディ・ケイタ氏に出会い、パーカッションの世界へ飛び込む。アフリカでの修業を経てアメリカ、ヨーロッパ各国に渡り演奏家としての経験を積み、ママディ氏の創設したTTM Djembe Academy(タムタムマンディングジャンベアカデミー)の講師資格を2003年アジアで初めて取得。翌年みしまジャンベスクール校長に就任。
In August 1994, he met the late Mamadi Keita, a world-famous djembe player, and plunged into the world of percussion. After training in Africa, he traveled to the United States and Europe to gain experience as a performer. The following year, he became the principal of Mishima Djembe School.
In 2019, he performed with Mishimako in front of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress at the Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize Award Ceremony.
Currently, he is active both in Japan and abroad as a djembe player and percussionist, focusing on discovering traditional music in West Africa.

岩原 大輔 Daisuke IWAHARA
94年に世界的ジャンベ奏者 故ママディ・ケイタ氏と出会い、ベルギーに滞在し欧米やアフリカなどで多くの音楽家と交流。 97年には西アフリカ・マリ共和国に渡りマリ国立舞踊団(LE BALLET NATIONAL DU MALI)の門下に迎えられる。98年からはKEN ISHIIのレコーディング・ワールドツアーに参加。その後ギニア共和国で現地のグループに加わり様々な舞台をつとめる。2001年からは拠点を日本へ移し東京国際映画祭、Christian Diorのファッションショー等の舞台で演奏。またジャンベワークショップの主催を始める。
2014年にはブルキナファソのシンガーNouss Nabilのライブ出演の為現地に渡航。
自身のグループ旅猫油団、シュトカプーでの演奏の他多くのミュージシャンとの共演など多方面で活躍中。 2018年小沼ようすけトリオ、シシドカフカ主催のel tempoに参加。
2021年パラリンピック閉会式にて演奏。22年Rock in Japan Fes.、SummerSonic等
In 1994, he met the late Mamady Keita, a world-famous djembe player, stayed in Belgium, and interacted with many musicians in Europe, America and Africa.
In 1997, he welcomed as a pupil of the Mali National Dance Company (LE BALLET NATIONAL DU MALI). From 1998, participated in KEN ISHII's recording world tour. After that, he joined a local group in the Republic of Guinea and worked on various stages. In 2001, he moved to Japan and performed at the Tokyo International Film Festival, Christian Dior's fashion show, etc. In 2014, he traveled to Burkina Faso for a live performance by Nouss Nabil, a singer from Burkina Faso.
In addition to performing in his own group Tabineko Yudan and Shutkapoo, he is active in many fields such as co-starring with many musicians. In 2018, Yosuke Onuma Trio participated in el tempo hosted by Kafka Shishido.
Performed at the 2021 Paralympics Closing Ceremony. 2022 Rock in Japan Fes., SummerSonic, etc.

山﨑 剛司 Takeshi YAMAZAKIDaisuke IWAHARA
NPO法人一期JAM 代表理事
Organizer, NPO IchigoJAM chairman
ナラカリケイタ petit LIVE
そんな3人が織りなす、PEACE FULLジャポネアフリカンミュージック!!
The attention-grabbing trio "Nara Kaleiketa" is a combination of Japanese and African sensibilities by three people who met through the djembe in West Africa.
Daisuke NARA, a real farmer level music who has been leading the African scene in Japan for many years. Daisuke ARAKARI sheds a pop light on the deep parts of Africa with handmade ngoni and ear ears as weapons. Momo KEITA, who has the nickname "Bazooka" as the real Guinea of the djembe, has both the Japanese heart and the singing heart.
PEACE FULL Japanese African music woven by such three people! !
25th December
Discover Africa seminar #01
迷った らアフリカへGo!

高井 英子 Hideko TAKAI
株式会社スカイスターツアーズ 代表取締役
CEO of Sky Star Tours Co., Ltd.
28 years of experience in the travel industry. Visited 120 countries around the world, mainly in Africa. Visited 37 out of 54 African countries. After publishing the travel essay in 2016, she is also a lecturer for world-learning classes and travel seminars at educational sites, companies, and various organizations. In November of this year, She went to Rwanda in Africa for the first time in three years.
At the seminar, You can meet the charm of Africa!
North Africa Folklore Dance Stage
- 北・西アフリカ民族舞踊ステージ -


Discover Africa seminar #02
Fashion × Africa
- Dress for two
「はんぶんこ」からはじまるストーリー -

岡本 望 Nozomi OKAMOTO
Dress for Two代表 1981年奄美大島生まれ。 大阪外国語大学国際関係学科卒。 中2男子、小5女子の2児の母。 2018年年末に大学時代のフラメンコ仲間、山田美緒とともにDress for Twoを立ち上げる。
Representative of Dress for Two Born in Amami Oshima in 1981. Graduated from the Department of International Relations, Osaka University of Foreign Studies. Mother of 2 children. At the end of 2018, she launched Dress for Two with Mio YAMADA, a flamenco friend from her university days.
Dress for Two は、ルワンダと日本をつなぎ、おしゃれをわかちあうブランドです。生命力あふれる色彩、個性的な柄のアフリカ布(キテンゲ)を使って一つひとつ丁寧にルワンダでお仕立てした、一点物のお洋服をお届けしています。布(キテンゲ)を選び・形を選んでいただいて、オリジナルの一枚をお仕立てします。その一枚のお洋服は、ルワンダ女性のだれかとキテンゲを「はんぶんこ」しています。
コンセプトは 「ひとつの布を2つの国ではんぶんこ。喜びをわかちあい人を繋げる」
Dress for Two is a brand that connects Rwanda and Japan and shares their love for fashion . We deliver one-of-a-kind clothes that are carefully tailored in Rwanda using African cloth (kitenge) with vibrant colors and unique patterns. You choose the fabric (kitenge) and the shape, and we will make an original piece. With that dress, you share Kitenge with a one of Rwandan women.
The concept is "One cloth Spread in two countries. Share joy and Connect people."
===from Dress for Two web site
Traditional dance × Modern Art Stage
- 古典とモダンのコラボレーションステージ -
Mohamed Ghareb, who is active in the world in the field, performed Sufi whirling dance, which is famous as a classical dance. This time, improvisational music professionals will participate and try new expressions only here.
We want you to see the moment when classic and modern art meet.
● Performers

鈴木 掌 Tsukasa SUZUKI - Pop art artistrtist -
A head of the performing arts group "Tokyo Jusha". After working as a fashion teacher, she moved to Rwanda to teach dressmaking (Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers: 2011-13, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan Grant Aid for Japanese NGO: 2013-15). He has mentored over 200 people and has contributed to the professional development of many young people. He is also active as a fashion designer and creates works that make use of local fabrics. After returning to Japan in 2016, he started painting in earnest. He is famous for his creative activities of pop art works characterized by the richness of colors with motifs of African animals and people, and traditional animals of East Asia. He continues to challenge expression methods such as live painting, wall paintings, ceiling paintings, and art that does not require paint. Even today, he frequently visits Rwanda to teach children how to paint, introduce excellent works to the art market, and return the proceeds to the children.

斉藤 真紀 Maki SAITO - Traveler, Flutist -
フルート、フーレ奏者。 クラシックの世界で数々のコンサートを開催する中、日本を代表するアフロビートバンドのJaribu Afrobeat Arkestraへの加入をきっかけにアフリカ音楽と出会う。 バンド脱退後もアフリカ音楽をはじめ、世界中の音楽と出会いジャンル無問のフルートスタイルを築いている。 写真家や映像家、舞踏家…そのコラボレーション幅は広がって止まない。
flute player. She has appeared in numerous concerts in the classical stage. She discovered African music when he joined "Jaribu Afrobeat Arkestra", one of Japan's leading Afrobeat bands. Even after leaving the band, he has built a flute style that meets music from all over the world, including African music. Photographers, videographers, dancers... the scope of their collaboration continues to expand.

菅原 佑樹 Yuki Sugawara - Percussionist -
Born in Miyagi Prefecture. After graduating from Kunitachi College of Music, he completed a master's course at Senzoku Gakuen College of Music. He is active mainly in Indonesian, African and Middle Eastern music. Currently working as a percussionist who can also play Middle Eastern instruments.

兒玉 峻 Shun KODAMA - String instrumental play artist -
ギター、カメレンゴニ,etc.アコースティックギター、リゾネーターギター、アフリカンハープと呼ばれるカメレンゴ二などを奏で、民族音楽からエフェクターを駆使した実験音楽まで、ありとあらゆる音を飲み込みながら弦の波動を伝えている。 心象風景を描く独自のサウンドは、その地の空気とシンクロし、時には繊細に時には広大なアトモスフィアを創造する。 自身のバンド「バセルバジョン」では、FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL ’14を始め、大小様々なフェスに出演。 また、オーストラリア、韓国、香港、ハワイでは、バスキングやライブ、レコーディングを敢行。 2018年春、西アフリカ・マリ共和国にてカメレンゴ二と出会い、現地ミュージシャンより手解きを受け新たな弦楽奏法を手にする。
Plays guitar, chamelengoni, etc. From folk music to experimental music that makes full use of effectors, such as acoustic guitar, resonator guitar, and African harp Kamelengoni, he expresses all kinds of sounds by transmitting the vibration of the strings. His unique sound, which draws a mental landscape, synchronizes with the atmosphere of the place, sometimes delicately, sometimes creating a vast atmosphere. With his own band "Bussel Version", he has performed at various festivals, big and small, including FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL '14. He has also performed, performed live and recorded in Australia, South Korea, Hong Kong and Hawaii. In the spring of 2018, he met Kamenerengoni in Mali, West Africa, and learned new ways to play stringed instruments from local musicians.

モハメド・ガリーブ Mohamed GHAREB - Dancer -
14歳でダンスを始め、17歳でデルウィッシュ・エル・カイロの主要ダンサーのひとりとなる。その後、マフムード・レダ一舞踊団にてソリストとして活躍する。 2015年よりユネスコCIDのメンバーとなり、スペイン、オーストラリア、カナダ、日本、メキシコ、パナマ、チリ、コロンビア、ベネズエラ、インド、バングラデシュ、中国、韓国、タイ、モロッコなど、世界中の多くの国際フェスティバルに参加し、民族舞踊を中心としたパフォーマンス披露する傍ら教鞭をとるなど、アートパフォーマンスを通した伝統文化の継承に寄与する。
He started dancing at the age of 14 and became one of the main dancers at Dervish El Cairo at the age of 17. Since then, he has performed as a soloist in the Mahmoud Reda Dance Company. Since 2015, he has been a member of UNESCO CID and has participated in many international festivals around the world, including Spain, Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Panama, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, India, Bangladesh, China, South Korea, Thailand, Morocco. Contributes to the succession of traditional culture through art performances, such as teaching while presenting performances centered on folklore dance.
Guinea ALL Stars Special LIVE
原宿にギニア コナクリがやってきます!
Artists from Guinea will present a special stage again this year.
Guinea Conakry is coming to Harajuku!
☆★Guinea All Stars 2022 ★☆
モモ・ケイタ Momo Keïta
ユール・ラミン・ジャバテ Youl Lamine Diabate
ラウラウ・バングーラ Laoulaou Bangoura
ソロ・ケイタ Solo Keïta
ランボ・バングーラ Rambo Bangoura
ウスマン・スマー Ousmane Soumah
モリ・バヨ Mory Bayo
アンファン・スマー Enfant Soumah
カディフォテ・バングーラ Kadifotè Bangoura
バカバ・コネ Vakaba Kone
ヨーナン・バーYonan Bah
Discover Forum Navigater
Lycee Rise (リセ・ライズ) プロフィール
福岡県福岡市出身のシンガー・ソングライター。幼少からクラシックに親しみ、高校では声楽。大阪音楽大学在学中にヴォーカルを学んだ。卒業後に渡英し、ロンドンで音楽活動を開始。帰国後、2008年より現名義で東京を拠点に始動。早稲田大学編入のため一時活動休止するも、卒業後の2019年より再始動し、デビュー・アルバム『Goodbye Darling』を発表。2021年11月に2ndアルバム『優しい恋』をリリース。
A singer-songwriter from Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture. She has been familiar with classical music since childhood, and vocal music in high school. She learned vocals while studying at Osaka College of Music. After she graduated, started her music career in London. After returning to Japan, Although he took a temporary hiatus due to transferring to Waseda University, she restarted in 2019 after graduating and released his debut album "Goodbye Darling". In November 2021, the 2nd album "Yasashii Koi" will be released.